When looking to update and improve your home to raise not just value but its visual appeal, the rising cost of living means that you’re probably just as keen to explore upgrades that have the potential to cut your household bills as much as improve the look of your home.  The real worry for many homeowners at present is the rising cost of keeping warm in winter and cool in summer.  Central heating and air conditioning costs are staggering, and finding other ways to regulate the internal temperature of your home should be high on  your list of home improvements.

You may already have looked at window blinds and awnings as a means of cutting down sun glare, but window tint will not only reduce glare, but also help to regulate room temperature.  Whether you choose to have the tint applied to the inside or the outside of the glass will depend entirely on the climate where you live.  Window tints are also ideal for keeping the interior of your property hidden from prying eyes, so are useful from a home security point of view too.

will window tint kill my plants?

Photo Credit: blumenbiene via Compfight cc

However, the keen indoor gardeners amongst you may be concerned about the effect that window tints might have on your house plants, and even be asking “will window tint kill my plants?”  Unless you’re growing exotics that require greenhouse-like conditions, there’s a fair chance that you’re spending many of the sunnier months moving your plants away from the glare of the sun through your windows, and desperately trying to find them shady, cooler spots around your house.  Less sturdy plants are still going to be tricky to keep alive, tint or no tint.  Here are a few useful hints and tips:

  • Don’t skimp on good plant care – make sure that you water regularly, and remove any dead or dying leaves.
  • Window tinting may actually reduce the frequency you need to water, so pay attention to moisture levels.
  • Your plants may dislike the initial reduction in light levels – keep a close eye on their wellbeing, and persevere.  They will most likely recover in time.
  • Leafy plants are likely to thrive as a result of your window tint rather than suffer – a useful pointer if you were thinking of getting some new greenery!
  • Fussy plants will be fussy plants with or without window tint – if you grow more high-maintenance indoor greenery, you may find it doesn’t recover adequately, and you may have to think again about which plants you keep indoors.

Like all living things, adjusting to changes in environment can take a while, but you may find that your house plants are as happy with a more regulated environment as you are with the reduction in energy bills.