Whether you go for a modern look with clean lines and clear surfaces or opt for the traditional features, there is one area of your home that often isn’t sitting quite right – the window coverings.
Traditional curtains can be either too dark or let in too much light, blinds can feel too impersonal, while leaving the windows uncovered just isn’t an option. However, another option could allow you to choose lighter curtains or blinds, or even leave your windows coverless, without becoming the talk of the neighborhood; the answer is residential window tinting. To get the best possible window tinting for your needs, however, there are a few factors you need to consider carefully.
What is your overall aim?
It is always prudent to have an end purpose in mind before starting a project, and choosing the right residential window tinting for your home is no different. The tinting is achieved by applying a tinted film to the inside of your window. The film comes in a variety of shades, each of which will have a different effect on the room in which it is installed. If you want the place to remain light during the day and use a secondary covering, such as a curtain or blind to cut external light at night, then you will want a lighter tint. For a darkened room, even during the day, you would be better off with a darker hue.
Preferred levels of privacy
The amount of light you want to let in is not the only factor that needs consideration. There is nothing worse than having your every move reported to the local community. Residential window tinting allows you to hide from the neighbors without having to cover your home behind heavy curtains. Careful placement of tints on windows, particularly on the lower halves of larger windows may mean you can achieve the privacy you want while still being able to see out.
Not too hot and not too cold
If you have problems with drafts or windows that tend to let in the cold quicker than you can heat your home then residential window tinting could be the perfect answer, as the film used to create the window tint can also work as added insulation. However, keeping warm is only half of the battle; you also need to be able to keep your home cool during the summer. Different types of tinting film block out different amounts of heat. When choosing the window tinting for your home, you need to ask about the percentage of heat that the type of film blocks.
Not fading away
Have you ever left your favorite top in front of a window on a sunny day, only to return and find that it has lost its color? Or worse, it has lost color in one strip, or in one specific place? Over time, the same thing can happen to your soft furnishings, carpets, rugs, wall coverings and even pictures. Fading is caused by UV rays coming through your windows. Residential window tinting can stop this from happening. Check the level of UV that is stopped by the films that are on offer. The higher the percentage of the blocked UV, the less likely you are to experience fading.
Choosing the right window tinting for your home depends on your overall aim and includes factors such as the amount of light, heat and UV rays that are blocked. You are most likely to find that you need different types of films to suit different rooms, depending on the primary use of each room.