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How To Secure Your Home Without An Alarm

How To Secure Your Home Without An Alarm

Are you debating whether or not to install a home alarm/security system? Before you let fear and anxiety guide the way, read the NYT post titled, Do Security Systems Make Your Home Safer? The reality is that most of the statistics publicized about alarms are promoted by security alarm companies, and they don’t tell the whole story. 

Criminal justice experts know security alarms do not typically make your home safer, especially if you live in a more affluent

Solar Screens vs Window Film

Solar Screens vs Window Film

While daylighting is a positive thing, in theory, too much UV and solar heat gain take their toll on a home or business’s interior. From increased energy spending to cool the space, as well as sun fading or harsh glares, occupants experiencing intense sun exposure benefit from the installation of solar screens or window films.

Pros and Cons of Solar Screens vs Window Film

Solar screens vs window film share multiple similarities, but they are two entirely different products.…

Ceramic vs Carbon Window Tint

Ceramic vs Carbon Window Tint

Window tint comes in multiple options, varying in the types of materials or chemicals used to coat the underlying transparent film – including ceramic and carbon. These tint layers change the exterior aesthetic and the tint’s performance. Of course, products also range in price, depending on the strength and durability of the layer’s attributes.

So, while dyed window tint works well and is the most affordable option on the market, other products such as ceramic and carbon are considered …

Regular vs Ceramic Window Tint

Regular vs Ceramic Window Tint

Up until the past 10 years or so, the majority of window tinting products were dyed or metallicized to provide all of the benefits window tinting offers for buildings, cars, and homes. Now, newer products have entered the market – and at notably higher price points. It’s important to learn about the pros and cons of each as you determine which window tint product makes the most sense for the application and your budget.

In this post, we’re exploring …

Benefits Of Printed Window Film For Businesses

Benefits Of Printed Window Film For Businesses

There are so many reasons why printed window films are an ideal application for businesses and office buildings. From brand recognition and promotion to privacy, glare reduction, or protecting your company’s assets, printed (also called decorative) window films have a range of applications that enhance your brick-and-mortar building from the inside out.

Printed Window Film For Businesses

While there are plenty of pre-designed prints to choose from, many Bay Area businesses opt to install custom-printed window film to increase visibility …